Fellowships are gatherings of all the Chapters of the Nentico Lodge. Typically, there is a Spring Fellowship and a Fall Fellowship within each calendar year. Fellowships, consist of training sessions, inter-chapter competitions, recreational activities (swimming, rock climbing, archery, rifle shooting, etc), the Vigil Call Out Ceremony, and various shows. In addition, Fellowships conclude with the General Lodge Meeting in which important business is conducted such as by-law amendments, Lodge Officer elections, budget approval, and much more.
Why should I attend?
Fellowships are a great way to expand your knowledge of the Order of the Arrow. Some of our Lodge's best leaders serve as trainers throughout the weekend which will allow you to grow as a leader within your unit, chapter, or lodge. In addition, there are a plethora of great activities in which to participate. In return, this offers a great bonding experience with your fellow brothers. Finally, Fellowships are where Lodge Officers are elected. If you wish to run for Lodge office, you must be in attendance and complete the Lodge Officer Petition which can be found here. If you are not running for Lodge office, you are still entitled to vote at Fellowship. Whether running for office or just looking for food, fun, and brotherhood this is one event you do not want to miss out on!
When is the next Fellowship?
The next Lodge Fellowship will take place at Broad Creek Memorial Scout Reservation from October 4th-6th, 2019, in Whiteford, MD. We hope to see you there!
How to register?
Registration for Spring and Fall Fellowship can be found at the Nentico Lodge website which can be found here. If you have a golden ticket you still need to register for the event.